Thursday 10 February 2011

Performing vs. execution

What is the difference between performing and executing?

I found the most suitable definition for this context:

Performance: 1. an act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment:Don Giovanni had its first performance in 1787 act of performing a dramatic role, song, or piece of music:Bailey gives a sound performance as the doctor

Execution: 1. the carrying out of a plan, order , or course of action:he was fascinated by the entire operation and its execution

Both of them are defining an action.
But from the dancer's point of view what is the difference between doing an action as a performer or as a executer? And what is the audience see in each case?

We were talking about this in class and some ideas started to come out:
When someone is performing she is "living an experience" (what in spanish we call "vivenciar"). She is aware of the moment in which is experiencing, she is actually the moment itself. When we are performing a piece that we already know it is not about doing the same over and over again, it is about being aware that nothing is completly the same and being ready to experience new  feelings and reactions each single moment. It is when those reactions start to happen that we surprise ourself finding new ways of moving through the pathways we already know. Something is alive and fresh, we are "here". It is not about execution or repetition, it is about being aware of yourself and not be scare of being yourself. Expressing your being. Then when a performer is expressing his/her "being" any person in the world connect with her/him. Being.


p.d.  I just want to remember a piece of Alain Platel (Les Ballets C de la B) " Out of Context"->

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